Make the Patient Experience Personal with Feedtrail’s New AI-Enabled Features

September 12th

“Why don’t they listen?”

“I wish they’d just ask.”

“What am I supposed to do now?”


These are the voices of patients and healthcare workers feeling confused, frustrated, invalidated, and unheard. Today, it’s common to hear these complaints. There’s a widening gulf between patient expectations and the reality of their healthcare experiences; many healthcare employees are also caught up in the surf.

At Feedtrail, we believe personalizing the healthcare experience isn’t just a goal—it’s a necessity.


Our vision: Creating purposeful, personalized healthcare experiences.


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Our singular mission has been to ensure that every individual receives the care experience they expect, want, and deserve. From day one, we’ve empowered our clients to deliver exceptional, personalized experiences resonating with every patient. Today, we’re excited to take the next step on that journey with you.

We’re pleased to introduce our latest suite of AI-powered and business intelligence solutions designed to give you clarity, context, and certainty in understanding and enhancing healthcare experiences and patient satisfaction.

Over the past year, we’ve introduced key enhancements to the Feedtrail XM platform, our comprehensive experience management platform, to help you deliver improved engagement, loyalty, and revenue. Now, our #1-rated Best in KLAS patient experience improvement platform is the only solution on the market that can help you understand and improve operations by delivering AI-enabled, personalized patient engagement.


New healthcare experience intelligence tools that are already driving improved engagement, loyalty, and revenue.


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“Customer centricity is a unique concept in healthcare. Traditionally, we’ve focused on good clinical outcome. We should also focus on the business model around what the customer needs and wants. Both are critical.” – Alan Dubovsky, Chief Patient Experience Officer


Feedtrail’s first-to-market innovations will help you:

  • Map your healthcare experience terrain to comprehensively understand how different patient and employee populations are experiencing your organization—in real time.
  • Turn your healthcare experience data into actionable insights for operational and clinical improvements.
  • Hyper-personalize your patient engagement, tailoring interactions to be timely, impactful, and relevant
  • Become more intelligent about your healthcare experiences over time so you can proactively support, surprise, and delight those you care for.


Before we tell you about all the details, let’s talk about the big picture.


The healthcare experience is a business imperative in today’s healthcare economy.


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We understand that every interaction is deeply personal, and that’s why we’ve built a healthcare platform as dynamic and adaptable as the organizations it serves.

From the outset, we committed ourselves to understanding the needs of healthcare providers and the patients they serve. This led us to develop the best patient engagement platform on the market, featuring flexible messaging, timely service recovery, and reputation management. These tools have empowered healthcare organizations to continuously improve patient experiences.


“We envision a world where a constellation of patient insights help to drive business decisions for healthcare organizations. To build a successful business, you need valuable insights about your customers—not just clinical data or a five-star Yelp review.” – Deb Woods, Chief Operating Officer, Feedtrail 


Many feel like they don’t have the empirical knowledge, tools, or time to fully understand and support a better healthcare experience. In a healthcare environment that’s one-size-fits all, most people are getting left behind.

The patients’ voice is getting louder, and their choice is getting more powerful. That means improving the healthcare experience should be a business imperative for you. So we decided to build some new tools to help.


An insightful experience platform helping you manage brand awareness, reputation, loyalty, and competitive advantage.


Our hyper-personalized, dynamic, and real-time surveys and engagement strategies are designed to help practices easily learn where they can improve. Having deep and actionable insights about the patient experience is crucial for achieving customer centricity.

These rich insights give practices better opportunities to enhance engagement, refine operations, and bolster marketing efforts. Clear trend analysis facilitates prompt corrective actions, leading to improved outcomes, reduced costs, enhanced efficiency, and increased revenue potential. Plus, focusing on individual patient feedback rather than generic benchmarks, allows us to predict behaviors so we can better serve patients.



Real-Time Experience Feedback At-A-Glance

Meet Question Categories, a first-of-its-kind approach for grouping patient experience questions and responses for quick insights. With questions grouped by focus areas, you can easily identify organizational areas for improvement.

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Actionable Experience Data, Insights, and Business Intelligence

Consider XM Insights your patient experience Consumer Reports dashboard. The business intelligence (BI) and analytics engine combines real-time patient and employee feedback, service recovery data, and demographic data from electronic health records (EHRs), transforming them into powerful business insights. Quickly identify problems, then easily drill in to see which groups of patients have them and why.

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Easily Ask Smarter Questions

Survey Builder will soon become your AI-powered patient experience navigator. We’re launching a centralized question library to allow you to tap into millions of patient questions, responses, and communications. Survey Builder’s comprehensive database uses AI to recommend the most relevant questions within a Question Category to help you create surveys that deliver actionable insights and enhance patient experiences.



Make the Most of Qualitative Feedback

Later this year our platform will include AI-generated summaries of text responses. While open-ended feedback is invaluable, analyzing it can be time-consuming. Our AI will take care of the heavy lifting, providing concise summaries and actionable recommendations, ensuring that your team can respond swiftly and effectively.



Get the Right Message to the Right Person at the Right Time

Once problems are identified and the affected groups are known, the next step is to engage those individuals with thoughtful outreach. Audience Builder, new hyper-personalized engagement tools, allow you to take action based on what you’ve learned. We help you segment your patient population using unlimited EHR identifiers for easy customization of targeted surveys and messages. This means that instead of sending generic engagement, you can ask the right questions to the right people, leading to deeper insights and more effective solutions.

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What you can learn from real-time patient experience insights.


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We make it easy to spot trends along every step of your healthcare experience continuum. Here’s a taste of what you can learn and improve upon by using our AI- and BI-enabled healthcare experience features.


Why are our patients saying that on Google?

  • What led to a patient’s negative online review? What’s the root cause?
  • How can you recover the patient’s experience?
  • What should you do to prevent the experience from happening again?
  • Where can you amplify your positive feedback?


Where can our practice improve efficiency?

  • How can you do more with less time, staff, and resources?
  • Where can administrative overhead be reduced?
  • Should you re-balance staffing levels for certain locations?
  • How can you optimize communications workflows


Where can we educate and communicate better?

  • What could you do to improve non-adherence?
  • How can you boost patient response and action rates?
  • Are we missing the mark engaging different demographics?
  • Where can your practice’s processes improve so patients and clinicians are better set up for success?


Where does our practice add value?

  • What do patients appreciate about your practice?
  • How can you celebrate and replicate positive performance?
  • Where is patient experience contributing to better outcomes?
  • What best practices do we want to share and replicate throughout the organization?


How and where should we focus to grow the practice?

  • Which patients should you target, and how can you bring them in the door?
  • How can you bring in more of your ideal patient?
  • What kinds of physicians should you hire?


The business impact of an intelligent and proactive healthcare experience strategy.


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Working closely with our clients has been pivotal to our success in creating the best patient engagement platform on the market. And, remember—AI isn’t a buzzword at Feedtrail. We developed these new features in the field alongside today’s patient experience chiefs, clinicians, community health providers…and patients themselves.

The good news for you? AI is already delivering success. Consider this story:

One of our clients has strong overall NPS scores, but felt they might be missing opportunities to improve. Feedtrail’s business intelligence tools allowed them to easily drill into the data and identify opportunities. Within minutes, they could see their NPS scores were skewed: patients under 35 consistently scored some locations lower and NPS scores were lower for appointments after 1:00pm. They could also see why.

Patients reported language barriers, staffing issues, and long wait times. It was eye-opening for this group.

Within days, they were able to make changes to address specific concerns and communicate these changes to patients. Today, they continue using the XM Platform’s AI capabilities to understand patients’ needs and drive valuable operational changes.


The intelligent, AI-enabled patient experience allows people to be truly seen, heard, and valued.


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This new era of patient experience isn’t just about making improvements; it’s about transforming the way we approach care. The patients’ wants and needs should drive operational decisions, not the other way around. This allows healthcare organizations to deliver patients the consistent, personalized experiences they need and want.

So, we invite you to join us on this journey. With Feedtrail’s new AI-enabled features, you can elevate every interaction, ensuring that every patient isn’t just treated, but that they’re heard, understood, and valued as an individual.

Because in healthcare, the experience matters just as much as the outcome.