Ambulatory Care

Transform your ambulatory care patient experience

Flexible. Personalized. Real Time.

Engage patients and employees with real-time surveys, messages, and updates to exceed expectations, direct improvements, and track feedback and kudos by clinician. Also meet regulatory requirements including OAS CAHPS and Culture of Safety surveying.

Feedtrail - Healthcare Experience Management

Personalize Questions by Settings or Touchpoints

Feedtrail - Healthcare Experience Management

Retain Patient Revenue

Feedtrail - Healthcare Experience Management

Boost Social Reviews

Feedtrail - Healthcare Experience Management

Share Patient Kudos with Staff

Feedtrail - Healthcare Experience Management

Collect Provider-Specific Feedback

Find and fix the experience gaps along the patient journey

Feedtrail - Healthcare Experience Management
Feedtrail - Healthcare Experience Management

Leverage positive patient feedback to improve clinician morale and reduce burnout

Feedtrail - Healthcare Experience Management

Learn about our Clinician Morale Module

Feedtrail - Healthcare Experience Management

Surveying on patient preferences, Whitman-Walker moved over 60% of patients to telehealth allowing them to serve more patients, in their preferred setting.

“Patients don’t want to fill out 40-question surveys, they take too long. The surveys we built with Feedtrail give us better information and take a fraction of the time. Then with the real-time insights we can actually do something about patient concerns instead of discovering them weeks too late.”

Sam Mason
Manager, Patient Information & Call Center
Sheltering Arms

Feedtrail - Healthcare Experience Management

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Learn how Feedtrail's flexible platform can adapt to your organization's patient engagement needs