Promoting the Pharmacy at FQHCs and Community Health Centers

Six Ways FQHCs and Community Health Centers Can Promote their Pharmacy with Real-Time Engagement

Six Ways FQHCs and Community Health Centers Can Promote their Pharmacy with Real-Time Engagement

Ashley Worrall
October 17th

Exploring ways FQHCs and Community Health Centers can promote their pharmacy with real-time patient engagement.

Community Health Centers and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) play a pivotal role in providing accessible and affordable healthcare to underserved populations. By taking advantage of the discounted drug prices offered through the 340B program, organizations can use the savings to support vital services at health centers and ensure that medications are affordable for low-income and uninsured individuals.

To further their mission and improve patient outcomes, these organizations can leverage real-time messaging and surveys to engage with patients and promote the use of in-house pharmacies, the associated cost savings, and other helpful programs. By embracing modern communication channels health centers can create a more connected and informed healthcare ecosystem.

Free eBook – Engaging Your Patients: Pre, During, and Post Encounter

Real-time messaging and patient experience surveys offer a dynamic way to connect with patients instantly. By incorporating these tools, FQHCs and Community Health Centers can bridge communication gaps and meet the needs of their patient populations. Here are some outreach examples to improve utilization of in-house pharmacies:

1. Educational Messages: Use real-time messaging to educate patients about the benefits of using the in-house pharmacy. Highlight cost savings, convenience, and the personalized service they receive, reinforcing the value of choosing the in-house pharmacy over external options.

2. Cost-Saving Notifications: Inform patients about the cost-saving advantages of the 340B program. Real-time messages can highlight reduced medication costs and the positive impact on their overall healthcare expenses.

3. Vaccination Reminders: Message patients to book appointment times or sign up for seasonal vaccines offered from the pharmacy. An educational message can easily link to a sign-up page or appointment site.

4. Surveys for Continuous Improvement: Utilize real-time messaging to send surveys to patients seeking feedback on their pharmacy experience and the affordability of medications. This data can be invaluable for making informed adjustments to better meet patient needs.

5. Customized Survey Campaigns: Tailor survey campaigns to gather insights on specific aspects of pharmacy services, such as staff interactions, waiting times, and the availability of medications. Real-time feedback allows for timely improvements and can help you understand why patients are, or are not, taking advantage of your resources and offerings. Additionally, surveying patients who are leveraging an outside pharmacy can help you learn why they are seeking services elsewhere.

6. Addressing Concerns Promptly: Real-time outreach provides an avenue for addressing patient concerns promptly. By acknowledging and addressing issues raised in surveys in a timely manner, FQHCs and Community Health Centers demonstrate their commitment to patient satisfaction.

Real-time engagement is a powerful tool that FQHCs and Community Health Centers can leverage to promote in-house pharmacies and cost savings through the 340B program. By engaging patients through timely and relevant communication and incorporating survey feedback, healthcare providers can enhance patient satisfaction, improve medication adherence, and contribute to the overall well-being of the communities they serve. As these centers continue to embrace innovative communication strategies, they strengthen their position as pillars of accessible and patient-centered healthcare.

Recommended reading: Valley Professionals Automates Previously Manual Processes

Ebook – Engaging Your Patients: Pre, During, and Post Encounter


About Ashley Worrall, Head of Marketing: Meet Ashley, a seasoned marketing, communications, and design expert boasting a rich tapestry of expertise cultivated over 15 years in the ever-evolving realms of healthcare and technology. She has strategically navigated diverse healthcare markets. From compelling pitches of enterprise software to the discerning C-Suites of large health systems, to fostering connections with software users in community health clinics, Ashley has left an indelible mark. Fueling Ashley’s professional zeal is a deep-rooted passion for revolutionizing healthcare. She is an ardent advocate for improving healthcare systems and outcomes. With a relentless commitment to developing and sharing though provoking and beneficial content, Ashley endeavors to not only communicate but also catalyze positive change within the healthcare landscape.