Reimagining Healthcare Experience Management

Reimagining Healthcare Experience Management

Reimagining Healthcare Experience Management

Paul Jaglowski
by Paul Jaglowski, Co-Founder of Feedtrail 
1st December


Reimagining Healthcare Experience Management, We’re Just Getting Started:  

A Reflection on 2022 Product Enhancements 


As I reflect on the past year, it’s an exciting reminder of how much progress can be made when a team is focused and driving towards a central mission.  

Feedtrail was founded on the acknowledgement that healthcare interactions are often the most intimate experiences of individuals’ lives, and we believe that every single patient deserves a personalized and exceptional experience with their healthcare provider. Our mission, to ensure personalized and positive healthcare experiences, feels even more germane in today’s environment than it did we started the company.  

Helping healthcare organizations truly engage and delight patients has driven our product development focus, working to solve such problems as:  

  • How can we give patients a voice DURING their experience at the specific moments that matter most to them? 
  • How can we help organizations personalize their outreach to patients based on the individual’s preferences and his or her unique healthcare journey?
  • How do we help our clients identify when and why a patient is having a less-than-perfect experience and then empower them to act on it immediately?
  • How can we give leaders the visibility to identify the moments in a patient’s journey that cause confusion or fear so leaders can make the appropriate, and lasting adjustments in processes?   
  • How do we help patient experience leaders support board-level initiatives and stayed armed with data to enact positive change?  

With the support of our dedicated clients, we can confidently say we are helping them solve those problems and more on a daily basis.  

As we’ve grown as a company, and our clients have come to trust us to help make their lives easier, they have challenged us to continue innovating to help them solve new challenges. I wholeheartedly believe that this trust from our clients is what makes Feedtrail special, it’s our “secret sauce” per say. Rather than try to build shiny new widgets or make hollow aesthetic enhancements, our team puts unrelenting focus on partnering with our customers to develop products that solve their explicit challenges.  

So, what strategic enhancements to improve patient and employee experience have we delivered to customers in 2022? 


Feedtrail - Healthcare Experience Management


Reputation Management Module – As healthcare consumerism intensifies, organizations are forced to prioritize their public reputation and online presence. The Reputation Management module helps teams increase the volume of positive online reviews, improve the public reputation of their organization and individual providers, and gives them the ability to monitor and respond to reviews from various public sites within the Feedtrail platform. Incorporating external social channels within the XM Platform is vital to both capturing all patient voices and helping organizations manage their brand to stay competitive.  

Targeted Rounding Module – Much like Reputation Management, our clients desire to centralize their patient engagement efforts under one platform provided the impetus for us prioritizing this development. By enabling leaders and patient experience teams to perform rounds from within the XM Platform, leverage the convenience of their personal mobile devices, and prioritize rounding efforts based on experience feedback, we are dramatically streamlining workflows for already busy clinical teams and providing a central platform for all patient experience insights.  

Clinician Retention Module – Clinician burnout continues to plague the healthcare industry and this module was built to directly combat this staffing crisis. By streamlining the collection of patient kudos tied to individual team members, this module helps organizations highlight what individuals on their teams are doing well through the words of patients. Beyond that they can distribute those kudos directly to the individuals who were recognized and even automate the sharing of these compliments with entire teams in real time. By doing so, organizations can build a culture of recognition, improve morale and burnout, and reconnect caregivers to their “why.” 

Advanced Filtering and Identifiers – Organizations are investing heavily in understanding the individual’s patient experience, so it’s critical that they also have the ability to cut and slice their data to understand how different demographics influence an individual’s expectation or experience. Feedtrail now gives teams the power to tie very specific identifiers to each piece of feedback data for organization-wide comparison and work around health equity. This capability also lets customers monitor how an individual perceives his or her experience throughout their lifetime with an organization.  

What is in store for 2023? 


The short answer is lots. We will continue reimagining healthcare experience management, in addition to further developing our Reputation Management and Targeted Rounding modules, we will be laying the foundation for a predictive and prescriptive analytics engine that will underly our entire Analytics dashboard. This will enable richer data visualization, drill downs for root cause identification, delivery of additional time-sensitive actionable insights, and improved analytics for health equity and social determinates of health. We’ll also be focused on longitudinal patient reporting, which will give organizations the ability to visualize the complete lifetime journey of a single patient with an organization and understand their preferences to inform future care. Feedtrail customers will also see more interactive elements within the XM Platform to request enhancements, consume training, and share how they are using new features.  

We are committed to helping our clients deliver personalized and exceptional experiences for every individual who walks through their doors, and we could not be more excited to continue working alongside innovators in healthcare to improve the patient experience