Customer Success

Valley Professionals Automates Previously Manual Processes


Valley Professionals Community Health Center improved patient feedback by switching from paper surveys to digital surveys via text, allowing for specific surveys tailored to different service lines with patients more willing to share.

“Our surveys are focused on ‘are we meeting the patients’ goals and helping them achieve them? Do they feel they have the support they need?’ It’s not just ‘How was your experience on the phone?’ We’re diving in and finding out if we’re giving them what they really need.”


– Stephanie Jeffery, Vice President and Chief Quality Officer, Valley Professionals Community Health Center



Valley Professionals faced several challenges with their traditional approach of administering biannual paper surveys. Stephanie Jeffery, VP and Chief Quality Officer, noted that both patients and staff disliked this method, and it yielded insufficient useful data.


Valley Professionals transitioned to digital surveys sent via text. This allowed for the creation of specific surveys for different service lines, including specialized areas like addiction treatment. Stephanie found that patients were more willing to provide feedback through online surveys, enabling the organization to gather real-time insights.


Valley Professionals uses real-time feedback by service line to respond immediately to patients, make improvements with their staff, and enhance services across their sites. As Stephanie puts it, “We have better, more efficient processes in place. We have more engagement.”

Valley Professionals Community Health Center

Valley Professionals is an FQHC serving a four-county radius in West Central Indiana, which has grown significantly since it opened its doors in 2008. It currently sees nearly 25,000 unique patients across seven sites and in 14 schools, offering a wide variety of healthcare services.


Care Setting


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